2021 Zodiac Pro Open 7 Technical Specs

General Data about Zodiac Pro Open 7

Brand Zodiac
Model Pro Open 7
Boat Type Power
Category Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIB)
Year Of Production 2021
Condition (New/Used)New
CountryLargs, North Ayrshire, United Kingdom
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Gas
Hull Material UsedPVC
Length 7.01 m / (23.00 ft)
Selling Price69.995 (GBP)
Vat StatusAll taxes paid
Service repair manual Zodiac Pro Open 7 Manual

Engine and Power Specs

Engine manufacturerMercury
Engine SeriesPRO XS 200
Engine LocationOutboard 4 Stroke
Engine Horsepower149 kw / (200 hp)
Parts And Accessories Zodiac Pro Open 7 Parts
Engine Built Year2021

Dimensions And Wieght

LOA (Length Overall)6.91 Meters / (22 feet and 8 inch)
Dry Weight (Empty)910 Kg / (2006 lb)
Beam Width2.54 Meters / (8 feet and 4 inch)

Detailed Specifications

Warranty (Hull)5 years
Maximum N° of Passengers16
Hull Type and DesignRIB

Features And Equipments

Other Equipments

Stern seats inc. removable back rests
Socket and cupholders, 2-position wind screen
Semi-recessed valves
Self-bailing deck
Road trailer
Repair kit
Removable tube
Pilot / co-pilot leaning post, inc. storage
Perfect versatility
Owner’s manual
New bumper cone
Navigation lights
Moulded self-bailing deck
Large profile rubstrake
Large diameter removable tube
Hypalon-neoprene fabric
Huge storage capacity : 1250 l
Great habitability
Foot pump & pressure gauge
Fiberglass bow step inc. anchor roller
Double grab line
Deep v fiberglass hull
Dashboard surface, 2 empty-pockets inc. 12v/usb
Bumper cone
Bilge storage compartments
Bathing ladder
Anchor and bow locker
4 external handles
2 paddles
2 high volume bailers
1 bow ring and 2 towing rings
1 bow mooring bollard and 2 stern cleats

Interior Specifications

Automatic bilge pump

Exterior Features

Swim ladder
Cockpit cushions

Engine And Mechanical Specs

Bilge pump

Electronical And Electrical Info

Vhf radio
Marine gps
Depth sounder instrument
Compass steering
Chartplotter system
Battery switch

Zodiac Pro Open 7

Zodiac Pro Open 7 tv detailed specifications and features