2021 Zodiac Cadet 230 Aero Technical Specs

General Data about Zodiac Cadet 230 Aero

Brand Zodiac
Model Cadet 230 Aero
Boat Type Power
Category Inflatable
Year Of Production 2021
Condition (New/Used)New
CountryWaddinxveen, Netherlands
Hull Material UsedPVC
Length 2.44 m / (8.00 ft)
Selling Price1.135 (EUR)
Vat StatusAll taxes paid
Service repair manual Zodiac Cadet 230 Aero Manual

Dimensions And Wieght

Boat Maximum Draft0.41 Meters / (1 feet and 4 inch)
Boat Keel TypeUndefined
Beam Width1.35 Meters / (4 feet and 5 inch)

Detailed Specifications

Hull Type and DesignUndefined

Features And Equipments

Other Equipments

Postalcodelocation: 2741 pj

Zodiac Cadet 230 Aero

Zodiac Cadet 230 Aero tv detailed specifications and features