2021 Hurricane SunDeck Sport 205 OB Technical Specs

General Data about Hurricane SunDeck Sport 205 OB

Brand Hurricane
Model SunDeck Sport 205 OB
Boat Type Power
Category Deck Boat
Year Of Production 2021
Condition (New/Used)New
CountryBridgeport, New York
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Undefined
Hull Material UsedFiberglass
Length 6.4 m / (21.00 ft)
Selling Price45.999 (USD)
Service repair manual Hurricane SunDeck Sport 205 OB Manual

Dimensions And Wieght

LOA (Length Overall)6.25 Meters / (20 feet and 6 inch)
Dry Weight (Empty)1030 Kg / (2270 lb)
Boat Keel TypeUndefined
Beam Width2.49 Meters / (8 feet and 2 inch)

Detailed Specifications

Parts And Accessories Hurricane SunDeck Sport 205 OB Parts
Number of Seats10
Hull Type and DesignModified Vee

Features And Equipments

Other Equipments

20' 6(inch) length
10 passenger capacity

Hurricane SunDeck Sport 205 OB

Hurricane SunDeck Sport 205 OB tv detailed specifications and features

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