2020 Zodiac Yachtline 490 Technical Specs

General Data about Zodiac Yachtline 490

Brand Zodiac
Model Yachtline 490
Boat Type Power
Category Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIB)
Year Of Production 2020
Condition (New/Used)New
CountryVentura, California
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Gas
Hull Material UsedPVC
Length 4.88 m / (16.00 ft)
Selling Price32.690 (USD)
Service repair manual Zodiac Yachtline 490 Manual

Engine and Power Specs

Engine manufacturerYamaha
Engine SeriesF70
Engine LocationOutboard

Dimensions And Wieght

LOA (Length Overall)5.00 Meters / (16 feet and 5 inch)
Parts And Accessories Zodiac Yachtline 490 Parts
Dry Weight (Empty)390 Kg / (860 lb)
Beam Width2.06 Meters / (6 feet and 9 inch)

Detailed Specifications

Warranty (Hull)5 years
Maximum N° of Passengers9
Hull Type and DesignRIB

Features And Equipments

Safety Features

Owner's manual

Other Equipments

Weight: 860 lbs
Weight: 253 lbs
Warranty: 3 years
Tube diameter: 20(inch)
Stern boarding steps
Steering: remote mech
Steering wheel + steering system
Starter: electric
Shaft length: 20(inch)
Repair kit
Recess for extinguisher
Rec motor: 70 hp long
Pressure gauge
Navigation lights
Max motor: 90 hp long
Loa: 16'1(inch)
Induction system: dohc efi
Horsepower: 70 hp
Full throttle range: 5300 - 6300 rpm
Foot pump
Engine type: yamaha f70la 4-stroke
Double pilot/co-pilot seat
Displacement: 996cc
Cylinders: 4 cyl
Courtesy light
Capacity: 9 persons or 2083 lbs
Built-in fuel tank + gauge
Beam: 6'9(inch)
Battery box
Automatic bilge pump
Air chambers: 5
3 stainless steel mooring cleats
3 lifting points
3 breakers
2 paddles
12 volt plug

Electronical And Electrical Info

Battery switch

Deck Hardware

Passenger seats
Glove box

Zodiac Yachtline 490

Zodiac Yachtline 490 tv detailed specifications and features