2020 Zodiac N-ZO 700 Cabin Technical Specs

General Data about Zodiac N-ZO 700 Cabin

Brand Zodiac
Model N-ZO 700 Cabin
Boat Type Power
Category Inflatable
Year Of Production 2020
Condition (New/Used)New
CountryAt Sales Office, Netherlands
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Undefined
Hull Material UsedFiberglass
Length 7.01 m / (23.00 ft)
Selling PriceSet price
Vat StatusAll taxes paid
Service repair manual Zodiac N-ZO 700 Cabin Manual

Engine and Power Specs

Engine manufacturermax. 300pk

Dimensions And Wieght

Boat Keel TypeUndefined
Beam Width3.20 Meters / (10 feet and 6 inch)

Detailed Specifications

Hull Type and DesignUndefined

Features And Equipments

Other Equipments

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Zodiac N-ZO 700 Cabin

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