2018 Eastern 27' ISLANDER Technical Specs

General Data about Eastern 27' ISLANDER

Brand Eastern
Model 27' ISLANDER
Boat Type Power
Category Other (Power)
Year Of Production 2018
Condition (New/Used)Pre-Owned (Used)
CountrySouth Portland, Maine
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Gas
Hull Material UsedUndefined
Length 8.23 m / (27.00 ft)
Selling Price174.995 (USD)
Service repair manual Eastern 27' ISLANDER Manual

Engine and Power Specs

Engine manufacturerHonda
Engine Series150
Engine LocationOutboard
Engine Horsepower112 kw / (150 hp)

Dimensions And Wieght

Parts And Accessories Eastern 27' ISLANDER Parts
LOA (Length Overall)8.23 Meters / (26 feet and 12 inch)
Beam Width3.12 Meters / (10 feet and 3 inch)

Features And Equipments

Other Equipments

Motor two model: 150
Motor two manufacturer: honda
Motor manufacturer: honda

Eastern 27' ISLANDER

Eastern 27' ISLANDER tv detailed specifications and features