2009 Mimi Libeccio 31 Technical Specs

General Data about Mimi Libeccio 31

Brand Mimi
Model Libeccio 31
Boat Type Power
Category Other (Power)
Year Of Production 2009
Condition (New/Used)Pre-Owned (Used)
CountrySardegna, Italy
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Diesel
Hull Material UsedFiberglass
Length 9.75 m / (32.00 ft)
Selling Price95.000 (EUR)
Vat StatusAll taxes paid
Service repair manual Mimi Libeccio 31 Manual

Engine and Power Specs

Engine manufacturerVM
Engine SeriesMR706LH
Engine LocationStarboard
Engine LocationInboard
Parts And Accessories Mimi Libeccio 31 Parts
Engine Hours450
Engine Horsepower239 kw / (320 hp)
Engine DriveDirect Drive
Engine Built Year2009

Dimensions And Wieght

LOA (Length Overall)9.60 Meters / (31 feet and 6 inch)
Beam Width3.51 Meters / (11 feet and 6 inch)

Detailed Specifications

Numebr of Cabins1
Number of Heads (Watercraft)1
Hull Type and DesignModified Vee
Gas Tank Size1 x 400 liters
Drinking Water Tank1 x 200 liters

Features And Equipments

Interior Specifications

Water heater
Washing machine
Sea water pump
Oven and cooktop
Marine refrigerator
Marine battery charger
Electric toilet head
Air conditioner

Exterior Features

Teak decking
Teak cockpit
Swim ladder
Outboard engine brackets
Marine boat table
Inflatable tender
Hydraulic gangway
Cockpit cushions
Cockpit cover and enclosure
Bimini top

Electronical And Electrical Info

Vhf radio
Tv & entertainment system
Radio and sterio receiver
Marine receiver and cd player
Marine gps
Marine generator
Depth sounder instrument
Compass steering
Chartplotter system
Autopilot system

Mimi Libeccio 31

Mimi Libeccio 31 tv detailed specifications and features