2008 Zodiac Hurricane MACH II Technical Specs

General Data about Zodiac Hurricane MACH II

Brand Zodiac
Model Hurricane MACH II
Boat Type Power
Category Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIB)
Year Of Production 2008
Condition (New/Used)Pre-Owned (Used)
CountryMarina Del Rey, California
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Gas
Hull Material UsedHypalon
Length 10.97 m / (36.00 ft)
Selling Price299.000 (USD)
Service repair manual Zodiac Hurricane MACH II Manual

Engine and Power Specs

Engine manufacturerMercury
Engine SeriesVerado
Engine LocationStarboard
Engine LocationOutboard 4 Stroke
Parts And Accessories Zodiac Hurricane MACH II Parts
Engine Hours950
Engine Horsepower224 kw / (300 hp)
Engine Built Year2010

Dimensions And Wieght

LOA (Length Overall)11.48 Meters / (37 feet and 8 inch)
Beam Width3.23 Meters / (10 feet and 7 inch)

Detailed Specifications

Gas Tank Size1968 L / (520 gal)

Features And Equipments

Other Equipments

Road trailer

Interior Specifications

Marine battery charger
Automatic bilge pump

Electronical And Electrical Info

Vhf radio
Speed log
Radio and sterio receiver
Marine speaker systems
Marine radar system
Marine gps
Depth sounder instrument
Compass steering
Autopilot system

Zodiac Hurricane MACH II

Zodiac Hurricane MACH II tv detailed specifications and features