2004 Trophy 2902 Walkaround Technical Specs

General Data about Trophy 2902 Walkaround

Brand Trophy
Model 2902 Walkaround
Boat Type Power
Category Walkaround
Year Of Production 2004
Condition (New/Used)Pre-Owned (Used)
CountryEssex, Maryland
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Gas
Hull Material UsedFiberglass
Length 8.84 m / (29.00 ft)
Selling Price55.600 (USD)
Vat StatusTax Not Applicable
Service repair manual Trophy 2902 Walkaround Manual

Engine and Power Specs

Engine manufacturerMercury
Engine Series225
Engine LocationOutboard

Dimensions And Wieght

LOA (Length Overall)8.84 m / (29.00 ft)
Parts And Accessories Trophy 2902 Walkaround Parts
Dry Weight (Empty)3921 Kg / (8644 lb)
Boat Keel TypeUndefined
Beam Width2.97 Meters / (9 feet and 9 inch)

Detailed Specifications

Hull Type and DesignUndefined
Gas Tank Size833 L / (220 gal)
Drinking Water Tank114 L / (30.00 gal)
Berth (Mono/Single)2

Features And Equipments

Other Equipments

Navigation lights
Gps / plotter

Interior Specifications

Sink - cabin
Pressurized water system
Marine refrigerator
Cabin lighting

Engine And Mechanical Specs

Water tanks
Trim tabs
Trim tab controls
Power trim & tilt
Number of fuel tanks
Holding tanks
450.0 hp

Electronical And Electrical Info

Volt meter
Shore power
Power trim & tilt gauge
Number of batteries
Hour meter
Fuse panel
Fuel gauge
Compass steering
Circuit breaker panel
Battery tender
Battery switch
Ac electric panel

Deck Hardware

Under gunwale rod storage
Transom shower
Transom door
Rod holders
Passenger seat
Helm wheel
Hard top
Fender holders
Coaming pads
Captain's chair
Bow rail
Beverage holders
Bench seat
Bait well
Anchor rode

Trophy 2902 Walkaround

Trophy 2902 Walkaround tv detailed specifications and features