1990 Eastern Custom 28 Technical Specs

General Data about Eastern Custom 28

Brand Eastern
Model Custom 28
Boat Type Power
Category Downeast
Year Of Production 1990
Condition (New/Used)Pre-Owned (Used)
CountryBaltimore, Maryland
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Diesel
Hull Material UsedFiberglass
Length 8.53 m / (28.00 ft)
Selling Price30.000 (USD)
Vat StatusTax Not Applicable
Service repair manual Eastern Custom 28 Manual

Engine and Power Specs

Engine manufacturerJohn Deere
Engine Series6068
Engine LocationInboard
Engine Built Year1990

Dimensions And Wieght

Parts And Accessories Eastern Custom 28 Parts
LOA (Length Overall)8.53 Meters / (27 feet and 12 inch)
Dry Weight (Empty)2722 Kg / (6000 lb)
Boat Maximum Draft0.71 Meters / (2 feet and 4 inch)
Boat Keel TypeUndefined
Beam Width3.33 Meters / (10 feet and 11 inch)

Detailed Specifications

Numebr of Cabins1
Hull Type and DesignUndefined
Gas Tank Size208 L / (55 gal)

Features And Equipments

Safety Features

Grab rails
Engine kill switch
Air horn

Other Equipments

Vhf antenna
Navigation lights
Masthead light
Gps / plotter
Bottom paint antifouling

Interior Specifications

Pressurized water system
Cabin lighting

Engine And Mechanical Specs

Throttle/shift: elec
Number of fuel tanks
Number of eng cylinders
Maximum engine rpm
Fuel injected
Engine flush
Date of engine service
Closed water cooling sys
Bilge pump
225.0 hp

Electronical And Electrical Info

Vhf radio
Oil pressure gauge
Number of batteries
Horn system
Fuse panel
Fuel gauge
Docking lights
Compass steering
Circuit breaker panel

Deck Hardware

Windshield - one piece
Transom - closed
Sink - cockpit
Rod holders
Rocket launchers
Raw water washdown
Non-skid deck
Net holder
Hard top
Cleats - fixed

Eastern Custom 28

Eastern Custom 28 tv detailed specifications and features