1986 Sea-Doo 40 Technical Specs

General Data about Sea-Doo 40

Brand Sea-Doo
Model 40
Boat Type Sail
Category Catamaran
Year Of Production 1986
Condition (New/Used)Pre-Owned (Used)
CountryUpon Request, France
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Diesel
Hull Material UsedFiberglass
Length 12.19 m / (40.00 ft)
Selling Price85.000 (EUR)
Service repair manual Sea-Doo 40 Manual

Engine and Power Specs

Engine manufacturerPerkins
Engine SeriesPerama 30HP
Engine LocationInboard
Engine Horsepower22.37 kw / (30.00 hp)

Dimensions And Wieght

Parts And Accessories Sea-Doo 40 Parts
LOA (Length Overall)12.09 Meters / (39 feet and 8 inch)
Beam Width6.78 Meters / (22 feet and 3 inch)

Detailed Specifications

Number of Heads (Watercraft)1
Berth (Twin/Double)2
Berth (Mono/Single)2

Features And Equipments

Other Equipments

Sails and rigging
Outremer 40
Extra remarks
Deck fittings

Sea-Doo 40

Sea-Doo 40 tv detailed specifications and features