1982 Picchiotti Tigress Mk II Technical Specs

General Data about Picchiotti Tigress Mk II

Brand Picchiotti
Model Tigress Mk II
Boat Type Power
Category Aft Cabin
Year Of Production 1982
Condition (New/Used)Pre-Owned (Used)
CountryShepperton, Surrey, United Kingdom (Shepperton Marina)
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Diesel
Hull Material UsedFiberglass
Length 13.72 m / (45 ft)
Selling Price84.950 (GBP)
Vat StatusAll taxes paid
Service repair manual Picchiotti Tigress Mk II Manual

Engine and Power Specs

Engine manufacturerFord Sabre
Engine Series6Cyl
Engine LocationStarboard
Engine LocationInboard
Parts And Accessories Picchiotti Tigress Mk II Parts
Engine Hours2750
Engine Horsepower239 kw / (320 hp)
Engine DriveDirect Drive

Dimensions And Wieght

LOA (Length Overall)13.72 m / (45 ft)
Boat Maximum Draft1.14 Meters / (3 feet and 9 inch)
Beam Width4.19 Meters / (13 feet and 9 inch)

Detailed Specifications

Number of Heads (Watercraft)2

Features And Equipments

Safety Features

Gas detector

Other Equipments

Vhf radio        icom
Screen demisters
Master volt inverter
Mase generator 4kva
Fire extinguishers
Electric anchor winch
Echo sounder    autohelm
Eberspacher warm air heating
Bilge pumps

Interior Specifications

Marine battery charger

Exterior Features


Electronical And Electrical Info

Shore power
Compass steering

Deck Hardware


Picchiotti Tigress Mk II

Picchiotti Tigress Mk II tv detailed specifications and features