1977 Marine Trader Europa 36 Technical Specs

General Data about Marine Trader Europa 36

Brand Marine Trader
Model Europa 36
Boat Type Power
Category Trawler
Year Of Production 1977
Condition (New/Used)Pre-Owned (Used)
CountryDalmatia, Croatia
Fractional Ownership1
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Diesel
Hull Material UsedFiberglass
Length 10.97 m / (36.00 ft)
Selling Price44.000 (EUR)
Vat StatusAll taxes paid
Service repair manual Marine Trader Europa 36 Manual

Dimensions And Wieght

LOA (Length Overall)3.35 Meters / (10 feet and 12 inch)

Features And Equipments

Marine Trader Europa 36

Marine Trader Europa 36 tv detailed specifications and features