1959 Lyman 16 Technical Specs

General Data about Lyman 16

Brand Lyman
Model 16
Boat Type Power
Category Antique And Classic (Power)
Year Of Production 1959
Condition (New/Used)Pre-Owned (Used)
CountryPass Christian, Mississippi
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)Gas
Hull Material UsedWood
Length 4.88 m / (16.00 ft)
Selling Price15.300 (USD)
Vat StatusTax Not Applicable
Service repair manual Lyman 16 Manual

Engine and Power Specs

Engine manufacturerMariner
Engine LocationOutboard

Dimensions And Wieght

LOA (Length Overall)4.88 m / (16.00 ft)
Boat Keel TypeUndefined

Detailed Specifications

Parts And Accessories Lyman 16 Parts
Hull Type and DesignUndefined
Gas Tank Size22.71 L / (6.00 gal)
Boat DesignerLyman

Features And Equipments

Safety Features


Other Equipments

stored inside
Navigation lights
Gps / fishfinder

Engine And Mechanical Specs

Throttle/shift: mech
Power trim & tilt
Jack plate
Bilge pump
50.0 hp

Electronical And Electrical Info

Volt meter
Horn system
Courtesy lights
Compass steering

Deck Hardware

Windshield - one piece
Rub rails
Passenger seat
Compartment storage
Cockpit seating
Cleats - fixed
Bench seat
Anchor locker

Lyman 16

Lyman 16 tv detailed specifications and features